- UNIST Portal Notice -
A VPN connection is required to access the portal abroad.
Please install the VPN program and log in with your Portal account and try to connect again.
UNIST 포탈을 해외에서 접속하기 위해서는 VPN 연결이 필요합니다.
VPN 클라이언트를 설치하여 포탈 계정으로 접속한 후 다시 포탈 홈으로 접속 해주세요.

※ Important ※
Mail and identity verification services are available witout a VPN.
VPN 없이 Mail, 재증명 서비스는 이용 가능합니다.
# Certificate(ex. Academic records transcript, Certificate-of-Graduation etc.): Click
# Mail(unist mail service): Click

For mobile devices, install 'Pulse Secure' in the store and try to connect again.
모바일 환경에서는 스토어에서 'Pulse Secure' 설치 후 이용하세요.

Windows VPN Client Program
macOS VPN Client Program
iOS VPN Client Program
Android VPN Client Program

[VPN Connection Address: vpn.unist.ac.kr]

- Contact -

System Team Admin. Email Phone No.
UNIST Account, MFA, Mail
(Multi-Factor Authentication)
Information Technology Team Jaeki Kim blackzac@unist.ac.kr +82 52-217-1437
UNIST Portal Information Strategy Team Sung-jun Ha portal@unist.ac.kr +82 52-217-1426
e-Approval. Information Strategy Team Seyong Chang edea@unist.ac.kr +82 52-217-1422
VPN Information Technology Team Young-woong Lee hero2@unist.ac.kr +82 52-217-1435

# If you don't have a Portal ID:  Create Portal ID

# If you forget your Portal password or two-factor authentication, please reset it:  Click

# Certificate(ex. Academic records transcript, Certificate-of-Graduation etc.): Click
(Certificate service can be accessed using UNIST Portal ID/PW)

Office of Academic Information